Tenant Notices for Real Estate Investors
By Investor
***Please note, anything on this site does NOT represent legal advice. You should consult a licensed attorney before signing any documents (or sending them out to clients).
What sections are important for a Tenant Notice in Arizona?
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Note: This is written from the Tenants perspective
What is a tenant notice? These are letters that are given to the landlord for a few things:
- Lease terminations
- Formal repair requests - this is called a Notice to Repair which is a way of telling the Landlord they are failing on a certain part of the lease. This is useful is the Air Conditioning is broken and they have not fixed it yet. The notice can include a day that they are required to repair it, or the lease is invalid and can be cancelled. This also includes safety issues.
- Intent to vacate - This lets the Landlord know you are going to leave at the end of the lease. Typically these are sent 60 days before the end so you don’t get a month to month extension automatically, depends on what is in the lease.
- Notice of termination - this is if the Tenant wants to leave early before the lease is up. There are many reasons for leaving a lease early, Landlord failure to repair something, moving out of town due to employment, etc. There are companies that will help find issues related to the property if a Tenant is truly set on leaving.
The first part is of course te date of the notice
The Landlords name and property address
The original lease date for the property
The details of the repairs that are needed
Language that states the Landlord must repair them withing a resonable time frame or you can terminate the lease because the repairs affect your safety or health
The state which the laws are in affect, Arizona in this case. Every state has different laws on how fast a Tenant can move out if the Landlord isn’t doing their duty
The name and phone number of each party
Not always necessary, but can’t hurt is getting the document notarized. Makes it official and authentic
The service section - this notice must be legally served to the Landlord so you can be sure that is arrived. If the Landlord is going to sue in court, you need proof of this